Getting in touch with your very personal anwers to meaning of life questions and your spirituality is a delicate process. This process benefits from you being able to communicate in a way that is yours. Some of us are better with words, some with music and some with pictures. We work with you in the way you feel most comfortable with. Whatever way helps you to express yourself best is good. After a first talk to get to know each other and explore the problems you are facing we decide how we will work together. There are more than one way. We can talk, walk, listen, look, paint or write.
I am an experienced counsellor in age care, oncology and palliative care.
Before we start the process we decide on a fixed amount of encounters, preferrably never more than ten sessions within six months.
For clients in the Perth / Fremantle area we can meet in my practice, at your work, on the beach, in a park or online. Which ever way suits you and your situation best. For clients who live elsewhere we can meet online via Facetalk or Zoom and decide on the best way to communicate.
I charge 85 dollars for a one hour session.